9 Threats to Cloud Industry in 2021


Cloud computing security experts see cyber criminals as the biggest threat. This result is based on a poll conducted on Cloud Security Alliance about the top 9 security threats for cloud industry. The survey shows reshuffling of priorities when it comes to security, and it shows how cyber attacks have grown to become the biggest danger in terms of stealing corporate and confidential data. Other two threats, viz data breaches and account hijackings that were seen at the center of the list of top security threats, way back in 2020 have moved to number one and number three positions respectively. DOS (denial of service) attacks have become a growing concern this year, and they are on the fifth spot in this list.

9 Threats to Cloud Industry in 2021

CSA report is published every year, and it gives a snapshot of big dangers in the industry to the customers, and cloud service providers. These threats consistently fuel fear in the systems and websites that are owned by government, educational institutions, and businessmen.


It is surprising to know that second biggest threat in this list happens to be data loss from the cloud providers end, and not from the cyber criminals. Accidental deletion is a common phenomenon than what people think.


As per one of the surveys that were released back in the month of January covering over 3,200 organizations, Symantec found that over 4 out of 10 customers lost their data in cloud and were forced to recover the lost data through backups. This is an astounding fact, and a growing concern.


Whether it is due to the hackers or the service providers themselves, loss of data is not only a big concern, but it can seriously detrimental for service providers as well as the customers. The next four threats down the line are malicious insiders, cloud service abuse, unplanned usage of cloud, and the last one being vulnerabilities in cloud infrastructure.


Following are the top 9 security threats to Cloud Computing in 2021 –

1. Data Breaches
2. Data Loss
3. Account Hijacking
4. Insecure APIs
5. Denial of Service
6. Malicious Insiders
7. Abuse of Cloud Services
8. Insufficient Due Diligence
9. Shared Technology Issues

So, if you provide web hosting services, then take a look at all these aspects, and make sure that you leave no stone unturned in ensuring that you address each one of these issues, to enhance the safety of the customers’ data.

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