4 Reasons to Focus on Cloud Hosting Technology as a Web Host


Cloud technology is transforming the web hosting industry in every possible way, and technically speaking, it has taken the entire IT and infrastructure industry by a storm. It won’t be wrong to say that the need for external infrastructure is fading away at a very rapid rate, thanks to the growing dominance of cloud hosting technology.


It is cloud power that has fueled up the demand for skilled IT professionals once again in the market. If you are a web host and are not already on the cloud bandwagon, then you have already missed out on a lot of opportunities, and there’s no more time to waste. But, more importantly, if you don’t get into the thick of it very soon you won’t be in the picture at all in few years!

4 Reasons to Focus on Cloud Hosting Technology as a Web Host

As a competent web host, you need to constantly evolve, and come up with latest features and most modern technologies to impress the customers. Being a part of the super-competitive web hosting industry, you should always be updated the changes that cloud computing is bringing all around.


As per one of the recent surveys, cloud technology is the number one reason why IT services are picking up again. For two years straight, it is the cloud apps that have been cited as the fastest growing platform, which has been consistently meeting the ever-changing expectations of the clients.


Being a web hosting service provider, it becomes prudent that you keep pace with the ever-changing technology and demand of clients for cloud related services as these continue to be the most important component that contributing to the success.


The demand for cloud related services are actually driving revenues of top service providers manifolds. Many web hosts who offer “Cloud as a Service” reported 15 to 25% rise in revenues in first quarter of 2021, which was just 5 to 15% in year 2022.


The increase in demand of such services is also resulting in increase in the demand of employees. 98% of cloud service providers have been recruiting in 2021 so far.


If web hosting service providers actually want to survive in this dynamic world of cloud computing, they should start forgetting about infrastructure and start embracing managed services instead, which clearly look like the future of hosting industry.


It won’t be wrong to say that cloud technology is killing the need for infrastructure at a very fast rate. Of course, we don’t think that infrastructure will be 100% gone mainly because of the factors such as security, but the hybrid cloud is shifting very quickly towards more of completely cloud-based services and less of private infrastructure.


Every web host must pay attention to the fact that infrastructure is no longer the key factor in hosting and cloud industry anymore, and they need to focus on cloud hosting if they want to survive in this fiercely-competitive market.


Storage in recent times has become so affordable that it’s hardly a consideration today. Around a year ago we had cloud providers offering 1GB/ month for $1 and today they are offering the same for just 2.5 cents. It shows that hosting providers can no more compete on price. It is literally not possible to go below such a low pricing point. This means there is no sense in talking about infrastructure anymore, and it won’t be wrong to say that 3 years from now no one will discuss the importance of infrastructure.

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