4 Future Trends of Cloud Computing


Cloud computing is changing the technological world in countless ways. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that it’s actually transforming the way individuals and enterprises perceive data security, storage, and management process.


Web hosts around the world are giving a serious consideration to adopting cloud hosting platform and offering it as a service to their customers; of course, not every mid-size and small web hosting provider can do this today, but in the forthcoming years, it won’t be a surprise to see almost every web hosting company, be it small, mid-size or a big enterprise offering cloud products to its customers.

4 Future Trends of Cloud Computing

Whether you already have cloud service in your portfolio or are currently in the process of including it in forthcoming days, it is almost a necessity to know about what potential cloud technology really holds for the market.


Let us take a look at 4 possible future trends in cloud computing arena that you should anticipate couple of years down the line –


1. “Cloud Computing” May Become Synonymous to “Computing”

​The term “cloud” has been around for quite some time in technological world, but with passage of time, it is expected to penetrate deeper, and probably become the most widely used and adopted technology… And, the day isn’t too far away when there may not be a need to call it “cloud computing” anymore. So, in few years from now we may not hear the phrase “cloud computing”, instead it might just become computing.


2. Centralized Data Will Become The Most Important Strategic Advantage.

Slowly the experts around the world would become pros at creating massive databases that aggregate valuable information that can be accessed by anybody through any publicly accessible API. Some of the examples of such data can be stock market trends in last 10 years or clinical outcome data for improved patient care etc.

These databases would gradually reach sizes that are today unheard of.


3. Mobile Devices are Bound to Become Even More Powerful and Slimmer.

Now that’s certainly a no-brainer that everyone knows about. With continuous increase in the popularity of mobile computing and its dependence on clouds for supporting different mobile applications, mobile devices will certainly have much more capabilities than today, but their data will be stored in cloud. One such example today is iCloud by Apple at the moment, and you can expect to see similar stuff on other mobile platforms too.


4. Managing Identities Will Soon Become The Need Of The Hour


​As we move towards centralized trust, we’ll have to learn managing identities within different enterprises, not to mention within clouds as well. From there, places would be created on Internet where validating identities would be possible. There will be a radical increase in the number of clouds, and there will arise a need for one single sign-on, and thus security based on identity will become a mandatory requirement.


These trends should play out in next three years or so, and 2014 will certainly mark the introduction of the transformation. So, make sure that you move to a cloud-powered world in the New Year in case you’re still living in the Dark Age. Remember that customers will always run behind the latest technological advancements, and you’d be able to lure them only when you stay up-to-date with the latest trends. If you fail to keep pace with the newest trends in hosting arena, you’d soon get outsmarted by even the latest players!

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